Recently my wife and I vacationed in London where I took some time to visit my father's place of birth (see previous post). One of the sights I wanted to visit while in London was the Eye. Traveling around the city I noticed that the Eye was visible from many locations. The following images are of that view with some added images of the view from inside the pod on the Eye … [Read more...]
Trip to Oldham, England
My father, George Turner was born in Oldham, England on August 13th, 1902 to James and Sarah Ann (Dellow) Turner. Going through my mother's old paperwork, after she passed, I found a Vaccination document showing that my father George was born on #2 Hornby Street in Oldham, England. For a good period of time I had in the back of my mind that I would like to visit Oldham. … [Read more...]